The Great Sphinx of Giza
Looking for Great Sphinx Facts? Click here to know when, how and why Sphinx was built?
- Style of the Royal headdress "Nemes" was pleated all over its surface. While those of Chefren were partly pleated.
- The Nemes it self was decorated with strap represented in high relief and its begging over the forehead in all the statues of Chephren and all the Kings afterwards, while the Great Sphinx itself had no decoration or even this strap over the fore head.
- The representation of the Cobra itself on the Great Sphinx was partly depicted, just the out starched part of the Cobra only depicted on the forehead on the sphinx, while all the statues of King Chephren and all the kings afterwards had the representation of the whole Cobra with the body being depicted over the head.
- The false beard, which is preserved now in the British Museum and Cairo Museum, it was represented plaited and curved, this type of divine false beard appeared in the New Kingdom which make the scholars to suggest that it was added as a separated part later during the New Kingdom in order to make the statue represent the divine form of a god who is Re hr 3hty as during this period the sphinx wasn't belonging to Chephren but it was Re hr 3hty.
- The position of the sphinx it self, it was located on the south eastern part of the great pyramid of King Cheops nearby the remains of the quarries of this pyramid, but the Pyramid of Chephren has an angled caused way in order to avoid the quarries of King Cheops, so it isn't a straight cause way. And therefore being the sphinx sculptured from a remained rock of the great pyramid quarries then the sphinx should belong to King Cheops.
- While an opposite opinion said that the sphinx belong to king Chephren as his name was mentioned twice on dream stela of Tuthmosis IV and his father Amenhotep II, while the name of Cheops was mentioned only one time.

The meaning of the "Sphinx":
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