Safety and Security in Egypt
Is It safe to travel to Egypt? Read to know the Safety and Security situation in Egypt and How it will affect your trip.
Is It safe to travel to Egypt?
Do you want to witness the greatness and history of the seven thousand Pharaohs civilization such as: the pyramids, Sphinx, Luxor, Karnak, Philae Temple & more but wondering is Egypt a safe destination? Read on to find out more about Egypt Safety and Security. Throughout the article all concerns of security will be covered, you may check Egypt tours to help you planning your next tour to Egypt.
In general, Egypt is a very safe destination for travelers. Millions of tourists visit Egypt each year to enjoy her beaches and natural beauty and to admire her countless ancient wonders without any problems with their personal safety. In spite of the political unrest of the past couple of years, the security that travelers enjoy in largely unchanged; however, we understand that there is a heightened level of concern among people considering a trip here. In the news, Egypt may seem like a very unsafe place at times, but we assure you that your experience here will make you question that perception. We say this based on our experience guiding thousands of trips in all areas of the country both before and after the 2011 Egyptian Revolution without any security issues.

Welcome to Egypt

Adjustments to tour itineraries have been very rare throughout most of the past two and a half years and when they have occurred they have been minor. Memphis Tours has not had any issues with guaranteeing the security of our clients before or after the beginning of the revolution in January 2011. Our staff use up to date information to make sure that our client are never in a situation that could be potentially dangerous or even cause them anxiety.

Tourist Police

Health Issues in Egypt
1. Are there any health issues that I should worry about in Egypt?
- Generally speaking, tourists face few unique health problems in Egypt, but occasionally travellers experience some gastric disturbance resulting from drinking tap water or eating from a local restaurant not recommended by their tour guides or the receptionist in hotel. Some travellers might suffer sunburn or heatstroke from the heat and sun during the summer if they are not careful; however, taking the proper precautions and drinking bottled water can eliminate any health risks.
2. Are there certain vaccinations to be taken before traveling to Egypt?
- There are no obligatory vaccinations that should be taken before being granted with the visa of Egypt. However, it would be recommended for the senior people and for young children to take vaccinations against Hepatitis C, Typhoid, and an oral dosage of Tetanus.

Is Egypt safe at night for tourists?
Generally, Egypt is a very safe destination for tourists where there are extreme procedures for security such as: check points at every tourist attractions, mall, museum etc. when you alk by nigh you have the feeling that they want to keep you safe; the security that travellers enjoy in largely unchanged in addition, Egypt Ranked safer in a recent Forbes than US & UK.