Assos Historic Site of Turkey
Assos Historic Site inbuilt the 6th century BC, located in Canakkale province, Assos was famous in antiquity with its sarcophagi. The sole Doric construction in Anatolia sits atop a spectacular hill during this old city where Aristotle lived for a long time. Archeological finds from the ruins are seen both at the museum within the site and at the Canakkale Museum which is one of the most popular museums in Turkey.
The location of the town of Assos is particular with its interplay of use of the natural environment, combined with the embedding of the architecture. the leading remarkable “landmark” from Assos is that the sheer rock-walled acropolis at the very best point of the town. On the side of the acropolis, the temple of Athena is situated, where it could easily be seen when one approaches town from the ocean.
The temple, which encompasses a peripteros plan with 6x13 columns, was built out of andesite blocks carved out of the rocks of the acropolis. Elevated and isolated on the highest of the acropolis, visible from the far dead set sea and commanding panoramic views, the position of the Temple of Athena is breath-taking today because it must are in antiquity.
Today, the decorative architectural remains of the temple are stored within the collections of the museums in Paris (France), Boston (USA), The largest city in Turkey, and Çanakkale (Turkey).
Historical overview for this royal place
In the 1st millennium, BCE The people who live from the nearby island of Lesbos (now in Greece) founded Assos. The 4th century BCE was a period of great prosperity for Assos when Hermeias, a student of Plato, ruled the town, moreover because of the remainder of the Troad peninsula. In 348 BCE Aristotle came to Assos and established a philosophical school where he taught for 3 years.
Alexander the nice, a student of Aristotle, expelled the Persians in 334 BCE and his successors exercised nominal sovereignty over the town and were acclaimed benefactors. During the years 241-133 BCE the dominion of Pergamon ruled Assos, after which it absolutely was incorporated into the Roman Empire. Back to Jerusalem on his third missionary journey in 55 AD, Saint Paul walked alone from Alexandria Troas to Assos, where he rejoined colleagues and sailed to Lesbos!

The best Sightseeing in Assos
The archaeological site entrance is above the mosque at the very best point within the actual town of Behramkale where you've got to pay the doorway fee. After a walk along the Roman walls and a little cistern, one can reach the acropolis 240 meters above water level which a splendid view! With the foundations of an early Dorian order temple dedicated to Athena in 530 BCE.
Assos has had 38 temples but six only left and still remain. Down and west of the acropolis stands a well-preserved 4th century BCE city wall logic gate complete with 14 meter high towers.
Through the gate, an ancient paved road leads right down to an outsized 2nd century BCE gymnasium (52 x 52 meter) adjacent to the ruins of a 5th-6th century church to the north-east, followed by a 2nd-3rd century BCE agora complete with Hellenistic period shops and a two-story Doric colonnade to the north.
Next along the lower road is an ancient temple and at last toward the ocean may be the 3rd century BCE Greek theatre for up to 5000 spectators. West of the gate outside the town walls lies an oversized Greco-Roman necropolis during which the oldest identified tomb dates back to the 7th century BCE. Assos is one of the best places in Turkey and it’s considered a great reflection of the Turkish History!
Top visitor tips
Assos archaeological site is open daily, in the summer season (April - October) from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, and in the winter season, (November - March) from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The fee is 10 Turkish Lira. Near the tiny harbor are some lovely fish restaurants with magnificent sea views. Plan a trip to this city and you will never regret it!